

The Leslie Global Diaspora Foundation is funded through donations by persons and organizations who wish to advance the purpose and projects of the Foundation. Consequently, at times there will be a system in place to designate contributions to a specific project or the general fund for operating expenses.

Below you will find our latest projects and the associated anticipated costs.

The Leslie Global Diaspora Foundation is a IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit.

Donations of $25 or more are eligible to receive a Legacy of the Leslies photo book containing 45 pages of Leslie photos and notes. This is a limited edition printing of 50 books. To receive a book, Type book in the “Which Project do you wish to fund?” box. Your mailing address will be collected at checkout.


Projects and Budget

  1. Operational
    Currently, as a new organization we have a few start-up expenses. These include website hosting and software costs.
    Our Budget for this year is $425.
  2. Leslie Photo Book
    Our first project is creating a book of photos and short descriptions of Leslie sites worldwide. After publishing, the book will be available for sale as a fundraiser.
    Our budget for this project of 100 books is $625.
    1. Status: The book is completed and printing is funded.
    2. The Second Edition of the book is printed and available for a $25 donation.

Genealogy Seminar at Grandfather Mountain Highland Games

Work is underway to organize genealogy seminars at GMHG. No budget yet.

Leslie Document Preservation

During the summer of 2025, the Foundation team will be digitizing records of the Wardhill Estate. This could reveal details of the 500 year history of the Leslies at Warthill.  Budget is $1,600 for equipment and archive containers. Transporation and lodging will be donated by volunteers.